Thursday, September 4, 2008

14 July - Bucharest, Romania

We changed our mind about going to see Bran Castle. We had a briefing last night by the Tour Manager who said it was a four hour drive to the castle, about an hour looking at the castle, sightseeing and souvenir shopping nearby, lunch and then a four hour drive back. We were really too tired to do another very big day of riding in a bus. I've also come down with a cold, though not as bad as Terry's – yet. We decided to have a rest day instead. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel and we said goodbye to Hans, our cruise boat tour manager. He's flying home to Amsterdam for a break. He did a wonderful job.

Terry had a rest and I did some emails and checked some internet sites to get the most out of our expensive internet time. After lunch we went for a walk down to Revolution Square along Victory Street and returned via Cismigiu Gardens, a beautiful park with a large artificial lake. As it was a hot day, the cool shade of the park was welcome. It was interesting to walk as you get a different perspective. The drivers are maniacs here and you have to be careful crossing the street (even when the pedestrian light is green). Parking is at a premium and people park on the footpaths, on corners, across pedestrian crossings – its unreal. The footpaths are a nightmare as I guess there's no money in the budget to maintain them – that's if you have a footpath to walk on at all!! So it was an interesting experience - “travel adventure” as my dear Polish cousin, Stella, would say.

We got back to the hotel, tired and hot, and headed to the nearest bar for a nice cold drink – Terry beer, me sparkling mineral water – very refreshing!! A couple from the boat joined us and we chatted about our day in Bucharest. Then we returned to our room and prepared for dinner, again in the Italian restaurant downstairs – very nice.

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