Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Leaving today

We're leaving for our holiday in Europe today so the excitement is finally hitting me. I've still got lots to do, packing etc., worried about how I'm going to fit everything in my bag. The last week has been very stressful with a family illness, but we're feeling better now. My sister is also travelling in Europe and has given me tips on the people we're visiting and the weather. The people they've been staying with are wonderful hosts and will make us very welcome. So it will be good to get off the plane to be met by them. Anyway, still work to be done, so must get on.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our European Holiday

Terry and I are travelling to Europe in a couple of weeks, which is both exciting and terrifying. Exciting to see places I've only seen in magazines or on television and terrifying to be travelling so far from home and all that is familiar. We fly in to Zurich and will then stay with a cousin in southern Germany. From there we will do scenic train tours around Switzerland and then train on to Austria, Czech Republic and Poland. There we will meet more of my cousins before travelling on through Germany and on to Amsterdam where we will join a river cruise down the Rhine and the Danube to Bucharest and the Black Sea. This Trafalgar tour is called Grand European Serenade and should be the most relaxing part of the holiday, I hope. From Bucharest we fly to London for a week before flying home. I'm going to try and keep this blog up-to-date while we are travelling.